Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thankful Thursday

Today I am linking up with Maddie and Addie for Thankful Thursday!  These two ladies are actually the ones who inspired me to create my own blog!!  Their devotion to the Lord makes my heart happy and their blogs are must-reads :-)  
I'm really excited to be a part of this series because it's so easy to get caught up with the stressors and not-so-happy moments in life.  I pray to give thanks in ALL circumstances and that God opens my eyes to the many blessings in life because there's just way too much to be thankful for!

I am thankful for my relationship with Mitchell
Long distance relationships are super hard, especially on top of the craziness that comes along with being in college.  From two hours away, he still manages to encourage me, love me, and give me so much of his time.  If I looked at my call log, we probably talk on the phone 15 times each today (seriously).  I definitely don't tell him nearly enough how thankful I am for the effort he puts into our relationship!

I am thankful for pic texts from my mama
My mom, sister and I are always in a group text and she randomly sends us pictures of our little Faith and Zac.  She sent this particular pic earlier this week telling us she happened to snap this sweet moment of them talking on the bench.  She said it reminded her of Brooke and I when we were little.  These texts always melt my heart and put the biggest smile on my face!

I am thankful for my sweet friends 
Over the past few semesters, I have become super close with these two.  Being the same major, our schedules are almost identical so I get the privilege of seeing their beautiful faces EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  We've had a lot going on lately, which means lots of study parties resulting in super late nights.  Nobody else I'd rather freak out about school with than Julie and Ash!!

I am thankful for no Friday classes

Labs during the week = NO FRIDAY CLASS!!  And this week just happens to be one of those weeks.  I've had a crazy schedule lately so I am looking forward to some "me time" and birthday celebrations over the 3-day weekend!!


Take time to think about what YOU are thankful for this week! 
XO Alex


  1. Happiness really is not having to set the alarm for the next day! Thanks for joining in on this :)

  2. OMG! I love this. Now you make me want to start a blog. Lord knows I have enough on my plate already. Love you Al. This really made my day so much brighter! Couldn't be more thankful for you!

  3. You are a natural Alex! Love love love this! Thanks so much for linking up! Have a great weekend!
