Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday everyone!! What a great day to give thanks :-)  I am linking up again with Maddie and Addie for one of my favorite series: Thankful Thursday!

I am so thankful for my mama
So my sweet mama retired as a first grade teacher after 20 years.  I've always admired her heart for the Lord and how she is a great example of what a Proverbs 31 woman should look like.  Her retirement has been a really exciting time for her and the rest of our family.  Now, she is able to stay home with my youngest siblings Faith and Zac and she is able to make trips to Bloomington more frequently :-).  My sister and I decided that a celebration needed to take place to recognize all of her hard work and accomplishments.  Her party is coming up so we've been working a lot this week on getting everything prepared!  She really is my biggest role model and I love any reason to celebrate her!

I am thankful for weekends spent with Mitchell
Last weekend was extra special because we got to spend Valentine's Day together!!  He made the entire weekend so special for me and I really don't know how I got so lucky.

He drove down from Muncie Friday night and was able to stay all weekend!  He surprised me with breakfast on Saturday morning and the most precious flowers:
By the way, I just took this and they still look beautiful :-)

Eeek!  I also got a new fitbit!  I was completely surprised about this one and LOVE that its pink.  He did SO good :-)

Later on Saturday we went out to dinner just the two of us.  It was my first meal post-cleanse and I am pretty sure I have never eaten so much in my life (oops)!  Brooke managed to snap a few pictures of us before we left...this one's my favorite!

We stayed in for a movie night at home and we made some s'mores :-)  I really wish I would have taken some more pics of this little experience!!  I definitely have to work on this  (Mitch will freak out if he sees this because he already thinks I take way too many hahaha)!

Sunday morning we went to church with my sister Brooke, then out for lunch to our favorite Mexican restaurant in Bloomington: La Cha.

The rest of the day was filled with homework and relaxation :-)

What are YOU thankful for this week?
Have a great Thursday everyone!!
XO Alex

1 comment:

  1. Love This! I have a Fitbit too, but mine is black and boring.. the pink makes it seem so much better! btw if you want to feel really good about yourself we can become friends on the Fitbit app.. I average about 3,000 steps a day which pretty much means I never move, but hey at least I wear it ;)
